Sensory Friendly Toys
We have over 180 sensory friendly toys in our collection. These toys are ideal for children with sensory needs as they will often support different sensory needs at the same time. We add new toys to our collection every week and a sample of some of our favourites is shown below.
The purchase of many sensory friendly toys in our collection has been generously supported by Maroondah City Council Community Grants in 2019 and 2020 and Forest Hill Foundation Grants in 2019 and 2020.
To search our toy catalogue for sensory friendly toys, follow the link here and filter by Sensory Friendly attribute.
Supporting Additional Needs
Toy libraries are a fantastic resource to support families of children with sensory needs or learning challenges. Here you can browse our Sensory Friendly posters and our Sensory Needs Guide with tips and recommendations for visiting the toy library plus a list of favourite go-to toys. This guide has been supported by occupational therapists, speech pathologists and early learning professionals.

Sensory Needs Guide
Click on the top right hand corner to access a print-friendly version of our guide.