Hi, I'm Max and this year I’m participating in the Duke of Edinburgh program through Year 9 at my school. A requirement for me to complete the award is that I do 13 hours of community service.
Choosing what to do was a no-brainer, as my mum, Bec, is the Toy Library Coordinator and I’ve been a member since I was one year old. During duty I help out at the loans desk and with counting and labelling new toys, but my favourite job is writing notices on the whiteboard!
Helping at toy library has improved my customer service skills, fine motor skills (not my strong point), attention to detail, and general usefulness as an employee or volunteer.
I've played just about every adult board game in the toy library at home with my family before they are put on the shelf, and I put together and audit my favourite type of toys - train sets and marble runs - for the toy library too. I also prepare new toys for the toy library, whether it's assembling bikes or pumping up giant inflatables and really enjoy being involved.
Check out the 'Then and Now' photo of me on one of the well loved toy library motorbikes!